Web traffic referred to New Zealand research repositories from Wikidata, Wikipedia, and Google Scholar between 2017-2022
As part of measuring impact of the NZThesisProject which uploaded metadata for 66,155 theses to Wikidata between May-July 2022, I looked at web sessions referred from Wikidata and Wikipedia (with Google Scholar as a control) to the New Zealand repositories the theses are held in.
CSV files contain raw data downloaded by each library from their repository's Google Analytics account (prior to GA4) using a report on sessions per month with the referrer containing, respectively, "wikidata", "wikipedia", and "scholar.google". PNG files show a visualisation of the results.
While there are some spikes in usage, these mostly don't appear to be aligned with the timeframe of the project. The increase in traffic from Wikidata is most likely associated with the project work itself. It may be too early for any effects of increasing the theses' profile to become evident.
Thanks for sharing data to: Annabel Gooder (University of Auckland); Rudy bin Mahli (Auckland University of Technology); Anton Angelo (University of Canterbury); Catherine Woeber and Amanda Curnow (Massey University); David Church (Research Bank as part of Te Pūkenga); Max Sullivan (Victoria University of Wellington).